AIPA Fall High School Journalism Convention
Celebrating AIPA’s 75th Anniversary!
Oct. 15, 2024
Convention Registration Ends October 11
One of the highlights of the scholastic journalism year is AIPA’s Fall Convention, held in the Memorial Union at Arizona State University in Tempe. Journalism advisers and students from across the state are invited to join in a day full of diverse media workshops and professional speakers.
Advisers also have an opportunity to connect with one another during lunch while all the students enjoy the MU food court on the first floor (students should bring money to purchase their lunch). Finally, the event culminates in our keynote speaker followed by the AIPA fall contest presentation where we celebrate the best of Arizona scholastic journalism.
We need your help! Volunteer to present a session – click HERE! Need a flyer for this year’s convention? – click HERE!
This year’s Full Program is HERE! Quick Glance at Speaker Sessions Schedule is HERE
Here is a general, quick look at the whole schedule for the day of the convention:
8:15 – 9:15 – registration and vendors in the turquoise room.
9:15 – 9:25 – Opening in Arizona room: rah rah and directions for sessions.
9:30-10:25 – breakout session 1
10:30-11:25 – breakout session 2
11:30-12:15 – Lunch
12:20-1:45 – Closing in Arizona room – Keynote & Awards
2:30 – 3:30! Cronkite Tour – requires signup –
NEW! Interested in touring the Cronkite School of Journalism?
Sign your students up for a tour from 2:30-3:30
Need to register for the Convention?
- Consider joining AIPA before you start the registration process! Membership gives you lower prices and allows you to enter our annual contests. Here is the AIPA Membership Form.
- Cost of the Convention is between $25-$35 per attendee, depending on membership status and early bird registration.
- Use the Convention Registration Form Here Note: Use the guest registration to select the number of students or additional non-member advisers/chaperones you want to register.
- Use Wild Apricot to print your invoice so you can send in your payment.
We are currently in the process of updating our membership system, so we appreciate your patience as we work out some of the bugs. Not sure if you are a member or if your membership is current? Choose the registration type you think is most appropriate and we will email you an invoice you based on our membership records. (Schools must submit payment or provide a purchase order number before the convention in order to participate.)
Here is a copy of the AIPA Form W-9 for school approval/billing purposes.
Be a Session Presenter!
We are always looking for advisers to present convention sessions – if you would like to save a little on registration costs as well as parking, and you are willing to teach a favorite lesson to a group of students at the convention, please use this form to get started.
Please contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions. We look forward to seeing you at the convention. Advisers can receive professional development hours for their participation. Download the Professional Development Certificate of Attendance Fall Convention.
Interested in Sponsoring the Convention or Being a Vendor? Sponsors are invited to become a member of AIPA and are encouraged to advertise through a vendor’s table at the convention. Click here for more information.
Getting to the Memorial Union – click HERE.
Parking at the Convention
- Buses – Click this map for Bus Parking at ASU to find out where to park buses after dropping off on Lemon Street. Buses can use the lot on the NW corner of Rio Salado Pkwy & Scottsdale Rd. No bus parking permitted on campus other than Lot 59N; any other lots on campus are off limits. The walk from lot 59 to the Memorial Union is 1 mile taking 6th Street>Veterans Way >Tyler Mall.
- Cars, Vans – Visitor parking in Apache Parking Structure -Max. Height 7’5″ – ENTER the lot on Lemon Street and pull up to the machine. Use the intercom button if necessary and inform the attendant your are with the AIPA Fall Convention. You will then be allowed to pull a ticket (Visitors Parking map -cars, vans). Even if the lot sign says it is full, please push the intercom button for dispatch. The entrance on Normal Ave is NOT a reservation entrance, so please drive around to the Lemon Street entrance. Please note: AIPA cannot validate parking for everyone, and the cost for full-day parking in Apache is $16.
Click to view fall contest winners.
Check back for more details coming soon!